Monday, March 3, 2008

Improved Quality Through Mystery Shopping Association

The Mystery Shopping Providers Association was developed to improve the quality of service all across the globe. This organization has over 150 companies that adopt members worldwide representing a variety of social, race and economic backgrounds. These diverse groups of members report their respective experiences in different stores, restaurants and firms.

This type of marketing research has proved to be a great boon for many of these industries who get almost immediate feedback. The Mystery Shopping Providers Association organizes the research in collaboration with its member companies and mystery shoppers.

Each member company that is connected with the Mystery Shopping Providers Association establishes a systematic approach to measuring and improving the level of service. Part of the development of a systematic plan of approach is to establish the strengths and weaknesses of a client’s company. The best way to achieve this is to use anonymous resources that don’t have an effect of performance.

The member companies that send mystery shoppers to different locations take the information that the shopper gives to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the service provided. The workers have no idea that the person affiliated with the Mystery Shopping Providers Association is completing an evaluation. The approach may seem a little sneaky but it is really designed to keep the information true-to-life and objective.

The theory behind the approach is reminiscent of one of Heidelberg’s theory. He suggests that whenever a natural element is observed in a scientific study, it changes. It is impossible to observe something in its natural state if you take it out of its element. (Bear with me.)

When managers are present the employees may act differently than when they are not. Also, employees may conduct themselves differently if they know that they are being observed. This is just human nature. The employee may perform better when he knows that he is being evaluated. However, he also may make mistakes that he normally would not if he is nervous.

The Mystery Shopping Providers Association helps its clients observe its employees without nerve-racking demonstrations and tests. It uses the most realistic situations and keeps the information as accurate as possible. Many companies have benefited from evaluations from mystery shoppers.

If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper yourself, there are some things to consider. First of all, this is no way to make a full-time income. It is great for spending cash but you may not find steady work. Also, don’t look to the Mystery Shopping Providers Association to find assignments. This organization is great for finding information and links but it doesn’t hire. The member companies do.