Friday, February 15, 2008

Shopping Cart

Though you don’t see many of them in high end department stores, you do see shopping carts just about everywhere else you go, even online. These are made so you can go through the store without having to worry about carrying what you want to buy, and they have made it possible to buy what you need in the grocery store for an entire week without too much of a problem. Can you imagine shopping for your weekly groceries with the benefit of a shopping cart? I can’t.

Shopping carts used to be pretty standard in size and style, but I see some stores have newer styles for different shoppers. My local Wegman’s has a new kind that is taller and shorter. It’s almost like a shopping basket on wheels. It actually has two baskets, one on top of the other. This shopping basket was made to save space and to give the shopper who doesn’t need that much a smaller cart to work with. These shopping carts are great if you are in a rush. You may also find that some stores are coming out with carts that are larger than ever, and this may be an effort to get you to buy more.

They also have shopping carts for those with kids. They have ones that have cars right on the front so your child can sit inside and steer. They may be generic, or they may be something your child is familiar with. I have hear tales about shopping carts of these sorts that have the Wiggles’ Big Red Car on them, but I have not seen them yet. These shopping carts are very hard to manage, but if you have a hard time keeping your kids from reeking havoc in the store, this may be just what you need.

Shopping carts online are based on this concept. They are meant to help you keep track of what you are buying, even though it’s not physically holding your purchases. When you view your shopping cart on a website you can see what you have chosen, how much everything costs, and what your tax and shipping charges may be. You can also subtract something you decide you don’t want, and it makes keeping track of the entire transaction a whole lot easier. If you want to sell something online, make sure you have one of these on your site. Your customers will thank you.