Monday, January 22, 2007

Kate Spade Handbags Review

Ordinarily, I'm not the kind of person who pays much attention to designer labels or brand names. Instead, I try to choose clothing, shoes, and accessories because I like the way they fit or look rather than just because they were made by a certain designer. In fact, I used to constantly tease my friends about their loyalty to certain labels or brands, and couldn't really understand where they were coming from. But then I discovered Kate Spade handbags and my perception instantly changed.

Kate Spade handbags have been popular for years, so of course I'd heard of them before. But I can't say that I really noticed them or specifically sought them out in boutiques and upscale stores. I just figured they were probably out of my price range and never gave them a second thought. That is, until I was on vacation in New York City and happened to come across a store that prominently featured Kate Spade handbags in their front window. After taking some time to actually look at and appreciate the various styles and designs in that particular collection, as well as the quality of the craftsmanship, I decided that I had to have one for myself.

Once I got a look at the price tag, however, I realized I would have to put off buying the purse for a bit longer. After all, I was already spending a lot of money on my vacation and wouldn't be able to afford several hundred dollars on an unplanned Kate Spade handbag purchase. As you can imagine, I was extremely disappointed and couldn't get that particular bag off my mind.

When I returned home, I immediately started checking all the stores in my area to see if they carried the purse I fell in love with. I guess I was hoping that Kate Spade handbags would be a bit cheaper in my neck of the woods than they were in Manhattan. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough of a price difference to justify speeding up my purchase.

I finally decided to take my search for Kate Spade handbags online. I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place since it's practically a given that merchandise costs less at a web-based store than they do at physical stores. Fortunately for me, Kate Spade handbags are no exception to this shopping rule. I was able to find a website selling the exact same authentic Kate Spade handbag that I saw in New York for much less than I ever expected to pay for it. I snapped up the purse in a matter of minutes, and had it delivered to me a few days later.

I love my new Kate Spade handbag and don't regret my purchase at all. Now I can totally understand why all of my friends have a favorite brand that they're loyal to. As for me, I know I'll never use anything except Kate Spade handbags from now on!